4Section Eight

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Unto this Letter George Fox gives this ensuing Answer.

John Wilkinson;
I Received thy Letter as I judge, Subscribed J.W. wherein thou wouldst seem to shuffle off that which I writ to Thee, and John Story, and the rest as the Word of the Lord to you; and that I should have told you, Wherein you were Separated, and what {Fourth Part 45} Papers you have given forth contrary to the Light and Truth, &c.

Your Paper of your Eighty Subscribers, is not from the Light of Christ, nor as it was in the Beginning, which you sent up and down; and if it was not to beget into Strife, Why did you send it to Carlisle, and up and down to other Places; and another Paper lately that you have sent, besides all your other Papers?

And as for my Papers or Writings, that I have been moved of the Lord to give forth, I know no Friends that do abuse them; if thou knowest any, thou shouldst have mentioned them: And if thou wer’t not blind, (who are gone from the Light of Christ, and the Spirit by which thou wast first Convinced) thou wouldst see, that I am the same as I was in the Beginning.

And as for thy Fear of making Force in Religion; there is nothing but what is Pure can come into it: But look into your own Paper, wherein you say, None of your own County, nor other Counties must sit amongst your Chosen men, but whom you have given Power unto, &c.

But I say (as Christ said) unto you, He that Believes, is Saved; and he that Believes not, is Condemned already. And thy Neighbors, and all that have been concerned with you, do know what you are Separated from: And I say also, You are Separated from the Power and Spirit, which did first Convince you; for if not, you  {Fourth Part 46} would have been in Unity with me, as at the first.

And thou hadst better have taken the Word of the Lord patiently, and not resisted it: But it seems, it has been as a Fire unto Thee, and You. For it was sent in Tenderness and Care unto you, and for your Good; though thou wouldst make thy self ignorant of what Separation you were gone into: For you are separated from the Inward Light and Spirit; that you went from before you separated Outwardly. And this Spirit was afraid of being limited; but it would limit the Universal Spirit, both in Males and Females, as your Fruit has manifested, concerning the Practice of Womens-Meetings, and recording Condemnations, and Admonishing Payers of Tythes, and other Evils, as your Books, and Papers, and Neighbors can testify. But thou who hast said, They must be left to themselves, to Condemn this Year, or the other, &c. this gives Liberty of the Flesh: For whil'st it is to Day, they must hear his Voice.

But, John, I savour thy Spirit, and know that thy Words come from an Angry, Disquieted, Fretful, Peevish Spirit. And poor Men and People! for my part, I pity you, as knowing and seeing, that you are out of the Life, and are not in the Spirit that did first Convince you, and so not in the First Love: And if ever thou comest to the tender Spirit, and Light of Christ in thy Heart, thou wilt see all those your Books and Papers of Strife, and your Separation is all for Condemnation with the Light {Fourth Part 47} of Christ; and they are the Works of that Spirit that led thee into Death, and Strife. And now thou cryest, What? and Wherein? and This, and the Other: But come in, and look into thy self.

XR1341 And I say again, It is the same Spirit that led James Naylor, and John Perot, and others; and John Perrot cried against Imposition, as you do; and against the Men’s-Meetings, as you do against the Women’s.

Though I know, James Naylor did for himself Condemn that Spirit, that led into a Separation; which had been well, if you had done so too: And his Resurrection is Recorded, as well as his Condemnation. But many of his People remain to this Day out, and have been, and are as much against Men and Womens-Meetings, as you: And so it is but the same Spirit still.

And James Naylor’s Opposition did not consist only in Not Reproving his Company, for the Titles they gave him; but his Opposition stood several Years, about other Matters; and his People cryed against our Meetings, and sought with all their Might to destroy them: But the Lord’s Power blasted them all, that did not come in by Repentance and Judgement.

And thou further sayeth; Let James Naylor’s not Reproving his Company, be a Warning to me; and bid'st me, Reprove my Company, when they give me Titles and Honour due to the Highest, &c.

{Fourth Part 48} Poor Man! Is here thy Envy broken out? But, What are the Titles? and, Who are them that have given them? And, When? and, Where?

And whereas thou sayest; Lest they that love Preheminence and Rule, out-live my Time, and render my Weakness to others.

John, Who as those that love Preheminence? And, What is my Weakness,  that they may render it? Why didst thee not mention it in thy Paper?

But this is from a prejudiced, malicious Spirit, and not from the Light of Christ, to render my Weakness, &c. when I am Dead, and in my Grave turned to Dust. Nay, John, that which thee strikes at, and thy Company, and all the Evil Spirits in the World have struck at, and all the Apostates before thee, shall never turn it to Dust; neither shall you ever get it into the Dust; Glory to the Everlasting God for ever. For, He that Over-comes, shall go no more forth, and shall never Perish; and he that Believeth on the Son of God, hath Everlasting Life.

But if this be the Way of thy Preaching, that the Members of the Heavenly Body turn to Dust, I fear thou hast begotten none to God; but into a Profession, that will turn to Dust, like thy self; and Dust is the Meat of this Spirit; that I know.

For I am in a Life that is over that Spirit, which neither Thee, nor the World cannot touch: And if thou comes {Fourth Part 49} to be as Judas, and Betray the Truth, to the Priests; I know what thee, and they can kill, if God will suffer you: But I do not fear it. 

And I must tell thee, it is the Spirit of Judas, the Betrayer, that is gone from Truth; and now would betray others from the Heavenly Body, in the Eternal Fellowship, in the Eternal Head: For, That which is Earthly, is Earthly; and that which is Heavenly, is Heavenly.

And thou bidst me, Be Humble, as a Member of the Heavenly Body, under Christ the Head, &c. So, thou tell'st me, I am a Member of Christ, the Heavenly Body; yet thou sayest, When I am turned to Dust, and Dead: Is this thy Doctrine? Are the Members of the Heavenly Body turned to Dust, and Dead? This Doctrine surely proceeds from Darkness, and not form the Light of Christ.

And, It is to this thou would have me bow, and be humbled to? Nay, John, I need none of thy Ministry; and it will do no good, in the State thou stands in, to any: For it is an Angry, Malicious, Froward Spirit, that has possest thee.

And further, thou bid'st me, Remember the Word to Moses, with the Time and Place of his Death, who Sanctified not God in the Sight of Israel his People, What dost thou infer from thence, John, That I have not Sanctified God before his People? So thou {Fourth Part 50} hast set me above a Common Member, and put me into an Office then; but, Must that which Sanctifies God, be turned to Dust?

I thought, John, thou hadst owned Christ to be the Sanctifier of all, who is Greater than Moses, and the End of Moses.

But, John, Wherein have not I Sanctified the Lord? What Liberty have I given to Sin; or any that are Faithful, that have not followed you in your Separation? Have you not taken Offence against some of them, that came to Admonish such as were not Faithful amongst you, and called it Over-driving them; yea, such as have been moved by the Spirit of God? And, Was it not called Popery, when some went to Admonish Preston-Meeting, when they did not stand stedfast to the Lord? And, How was the Lord sanctifyed amongst you then? And, How was the Lord sanctifyed amongst you, concerning your Paying of Tythes, or your Conniving at your Wives or others Paying for you? Much of which I could write concerning such like Things, but I shall forbear. But when you are in Strife, I would have had you come over to me, that you might have been brought into Unity before your Separation; but you refused.

Nevertheless, if Thee and John Story bring your Eighty Subscribers, and come to me, I will shew you wherein your Writings and Actions are contrary to the Light of Christ Jesus, and Spirit of God, by which you were Convinced in the Beginning.

{Fourth Part 51} Which had you loved the Gospel of Peace, you would have come to me, before you had made such a Jumble with your strife up and down the Nation: For I have heard by several Faithful Friends, where you have sent your Papers to prejudiced Persons against Men and Womens-Meetings, and Recording Commendations, and other Friends Practices; which has begotten a great Dislike in Friends concerning you: For what has this been, but to stir up Strife, and to sow Discord?

But, Are not David, and Manasses, and Peter, and many others their Sins recorded, and their Repentances, and Changing recorded in the Holy Scriptures? And, What needs John Wilkinson be afraid, and trouble himself about the Recording the Condemnation of Sin, and the Resurrection of the Just?

But, Who has cursed David or Peter, or any other, (whose Condemnation of Sin and Repentance, and turning from it, it Recorded) or called them Apostates?

And, What Spirit is this in John Wilkinson, that would not have such Things recorded now, which the Spirit of Truth recorded in former Ages?

Surely, it is not the Spirit of God, nor the Light of Christ: For if they be Sins private, that only the Church knows them, then they go no further than the Church: But if they be open Sins, to the World amongst Sinners, then their Condemnation and Repentance must go as far as the Fact is known.

{Fourth Part 52} But if John Wilkinson be afraid, lest he should be Curst, and his company, and counted Apostates to Posterity, if their Failings, Sins, and Transgressions should be Recorded: Truly, without your Repentance, they will be Recorded; and it would be well, if you did Repent and Condemn them; for then your Resurrection would be Recorded out of this Apostacy: Else you need not question standing upon Record. And they that have been led by you into a Separation, and now come off from you, do not bless you, as several have declared: So you bring that upon your selves, which you think to avoid.

But, Why shouldst Thou and You be so afraid of having your Repentance from Sin, and Evil Actions recorded, which you have committed in grieving God’s Spirit, and his People; and opening the Mouthes of the World, without a Fear of being Curst, or counted Apostates? Is this the Cause you would hide your Sins, and have no Testimony given forth against you? If Thou and You have such a Love to them, Thou and You may keep them; but the Truths Testimony will stand against all that is out of the Truth. And there are Condemnations upon Record ever since 1652 so no new thing amongst us, but according to the Light of Christ. But the Lord knows, I would have nothing but what is Pure To Rule and Reign, and all Sin and Evil to be Condemned; and that which is Private to be only amongst Friends; and that which is Publick, to be Publickly Condemned to the {Fourth Part 53} World. And if the World should say, Such a one did so or so; there is a Testimony upon Record, that such an one was Converted and Translated, to Posterity, as David was from the Evil to Good, and from the Darkness to the Light: And had you continued in the Light of Christ Jesus, and in his Spirit that led the Saints to condemn those Evils, which are Recorded in Scripture, and to Glorify God in their Resurrection, you would never have been in Oppostion against the Church of Christ’s Practice now; in such things, by the same Spirit, you call it a New Way. And that which would not have Sin and Evil condemned, and condemns that which Records it, is for Condemnation: For, instead of being Curst, (as thou sayest) them that do condemn Sin and Evil, and arise out of that which is condemned, and this being Recorded to Posterity, the Church, and their Relations can testify to their Change, and their Dying in the Lord.

But I am sorry for you, (the Lord God of Heaven knows) that you should dishonour the Lord God, and his Truth and People in the North; and have separated from the Light and Spirit, that did first Convince you: For, had you been in the Love and Spirit, you would have been in the same Love, in the same Gentleness, and Meekness, and Wisdom, that is pure, and said to be intreated, as it was in the Beginning. And so you have lost that Glory that was in the Beginning, and your Nakedness is discovered; that the Priests, Justices, and Drunkards can {Fourth Part 54} say, That the Quakers are Separate one from another.

And look into your selves, if there be not a Froward, Stubborn, Self-willed Spirit, and Rough, and Short, that now may talk of the Light of Christ, and of the Spirit and would have Liberty; but it is to be Reproved; and well it would be for you, if you would turn at the Reproof.

And whereas. thou speaketh of a Way of coming into Unity: Alack for thee! If thou wast in the Universal Spirit, and Power of God, that is over All, thou wouldst not make such a Noise about Imposition: For indeed, it is the very Spirit of Imposition in Thee and You, that does not know what it would be at it self, not to what to bring others. And much I can say, as to that: But that whereby you may come into Unity, it must be in the Unlimited Power, and Spirit, and Light, that did first Convince you, and brought you into Unity, and Meeting without Prescription of your Elders, or Deacons, or your Members. So, your Way to come into Unity is, to come to the Light and Spirit, that did first Convince you, and Judge and Condemn this Spirit, that hath led you into Separation, with all its Works since: And then, in that Spirit, there is not Fear of Imposition, but Everlasting Unity, in the Everlasting Seed, that bruises the Head of the Serpent, and all his Sons of Belial, that are without Yoak, and are afraid of it. Now, {Fourth Part 55} there are them that would not be Yoaked with the Law of God, nor with the Gospel, nor wit the Word of God, which is a Hammer, and a Fire; and this is counted Impostion by such to be Yoaked, and Hammered down, and to be Reproved, and Rebuked, and Admonished; this is Imposition, and Over-driving, though the Power and Spirit of the Everlasting God leads to it; which Spirit of God sanctifies and exalts God, with a sanctifyed Spirit, and reported all that which dishonours him, or would defile, and walks not in the Spirit, by which the Body of Christ is Baptized, and made to drink into. And the Spirit of God charged, and warned, and reproved all the unruly; and charged the Faithful to stand fast, and Admonished, as in the Scriptures may be plentifully seen.

And what, Is this Imposition and Force, (think you) which God’s Spirit led the Prophets and Apostles unto, and had no Fellowship but with them that Walked in the same Spirit? Or, will you say, There is not the same Holy-Ghost now, as was then? Yes, I must tell you the same; and all that keep in it, are in the Holy and eternal Fellowship; and it leads to the same Practice now, as then; And all such as the Apostles admonished, to have no Fellowship withal, (as in their Epistles, and in Jude) Might not those have cryed Imposition, as well as you? 

XR3554 And whereas thou speaketh of a New Way, and a New Form, carried on with Church Authority, &c. {Fourth Part 56} This is the Priests Old Spirit, that used to tell us of our New Way, and, Where was our Religion Twenty Years ago? But our Way was before the Devil was, and all the Worlds Wayes, and all Apostates, and will be when they are gone; and this I tell Thee and Them. But these Words of thine are not from the Light of Christ, nor the Spirit of God; for I know no New Way, nor New Form carryed on with Church-Authority, (as thou Reproachfully sayeth.) But here thou hast manifested they Separate Spirit and Mind: For the Authority of our Men and Womens-Meetings, is the Power of Christ Jesus who is the New and Living Way, and never changes. And all Men and Women that believe in his Light, and receive him, he gives them Power to become the Sons of God; and such are Heirs of the Power, which is the Authority of the Meetings: And they ought freely to come and go to that which they are Heirs of, without your Imposition or Opposition.

And all that receive him in the Light, he gives them Power, and they are Heirs of his Power and his Life; So they are Heirs of the Authority of the Men and Womens-Meetings; and every Man and Woman that is an Heir, has Right to the Authority; and they have taken their Possessions, and are taking their Possessions. And you, in your Separate Spirit from the Divine Light of Christ, say; Your Chosen Men, and them whom {Fourth Part 57} you have given Power unto: And say, Usurpers of Authority have come amongst your Chosen Men, whom you have given no Power unto. And that, None shall sit amongst your Chosen Men, neither of your own County, nor others; but to tell their Message, and go their wayes. And so, this kind of Church Order amongst you, (as you call it) is worse than any Court, or Assizes, or Sessions, or Courts. And much I could say to it; but you may read your Paper, though you make a great Pretence of Liberty in it. But I have not heard yet of any, that like your Prescription, that keep their First Love and Habitation: And therefore, as I said before, the Way to come into Unity, is to Condemn it all, and give over your Spirit of Strife, and Fightings, and come into that which did first Convince you; that by it you may be made true Members, and so come into Meekness and Unity: For I saw, many Years before I went forth, that such should rise in Opposition; and so it is nothing to me, because it is the same Spirit that hath risen formerly in many others; and the Peaceable Truth, and Gospel is over it, and it is out of the Kingdom, that stands in Peace. And therefore, what I write, is for your Good; and it had been well for Thee, and You, had you taken what I writ before patiently: For I see, the more you stir, the more you will heap upon your own Heads; and the further ye will put your selves, except you come to Repentance, and come down in {Fourth Part 58} the Humility (for thee and you are too high) and I Judge this Spirit, as I said before, and its Works, with the Spirit, and Light of Christ: For in the Spirit and Light of Christ is my Unity, that is atop this Spirit, and its Works; and in that is my love to all for their everlasting good, whether they will hear or forbear; and my Life is out of your Spirit of Strife, and over it; for the Seed of Life reigns, which had you kept in it, you would have seen me the same now, as I was in the beginning; and being gone from that, and gone into Doubts, Jealousies, and Questions, and Evil Surmisings (by which you are blinded) so as you see not me, as I was in the beginning, as many others have done the same before you; and when they are gone from the unlimited Spirit of Christ, then they are afraid to be limited.

And therefore, be advised, and come to judge that Spirit, lest your Bonds be made strong, and you grow worse and worse; and find not a Day of Repentance, and the Lord give you up to Hardness of Heart, and to your Hearts Lusts, and that your Latter-End be not worse than your Beginning; for it is the Universal Spirit and Life, that your Spirits fight against, which, as I said before God will blast. And so, mind your End; for it will manifest it self, and has manifested it self to all you that be in the Light, which I say once again, come unto, and condemn this Spirit, and its Works, and your Separation, that in it you may have Unity, for its out the Paradise, in the Transgression.

{Fourth Part 59} I thought to have written nothing to thee, but to have sent thy Letter back unto thee again, knowing what Spirit it came from, which indeed was not worth Answering, but only to the intent, that thou and you might Repent, and come into that which you were brought into in the beginning, and in that you will see what a spirit is gotten up in you, that by it you may judge it, and not die and perish in your Gainsaying: for the word which I writ to you will stand, and you will find it, and I shall be manifest to that of God in all, though it be the Condemnation of them that walk not in it; and my Unity is with them that walk in it, and such need no outward Prescriptions, that are written with the Spirit of God in one anothers Hearts, to gather them withal, who are written in Heaven, and whose Names are written in the Book of Life, before the Foundation of the World was Glory to God for Ever.

And I shall not much take notice of You, if you continue in Strife, except it be by publick Testimonies, And the Jewes might have reflected against the Prophets, who spoke the Word of the Lord often to them, but they did not regard it, neither would they be convinc’d, who stood in their Own Wills.

And truly, John, I must needs tell thee, Thou and You are gotten up into the same, and I have been sorry for You, and my Spirit has sometimes Travelled; but I saw there was a perverse Spirit in thee, when thou wert at Swarthmore, though I dealt tenderly, and plainly, and faithfully with you, {Fourth Part 60} and spoke the word of the Lord to You, that If You did not come to that which did first convince You, and bring all others, whom you had drawn into a separation with You, to Condemn it, the Blood of all them would be required at your Hands; and that was and is the Word of Truth, which will stand, and is Sealed.

And I was grieved that the Glory of the Lord, which had appeared in the North, and his Name, should be dishonoured by your cross thwarting Spirit, and that You should bring an Evil Report upon it into the South, of any difference; but that was and is a true Word, You are got up into a wrong Spirit, that is Rough and Course, which I feel and see, that is not savoury nor gracious, which had you retained your primitive Love, and Light and Faith, that works by Love, and been in quiet meek Spirit, and the Gospel of Peace, and in the Wisdom that is peaceable, you would have sought the Peace, or come to me, as I desired You, before these things broke out (as I said before) but you are of a High Lofty Spirit, which those Vertues are over it, and they, and the Truth remain in themselves, and amongst them, that have right to them; but they have little place in You, till you come to that which will bring you to Condemn all the contrary; For though, you think you may get ease by Scibling and Writing, but that will not ease you; for what you Sow, that you must Reap; for had they had place in You, you would have been preserved in Peace. My love is to all that {Fourth Part 61} fear God, and retain their First Simplicity in the Humility, the Foundation of God, that stands sure_.

My writing so largely, has been for the sake of the Simple, which Thou mayst Communicate to them, that they may Hear, Fear, and Consider.

The 16_th of the 10_th M_on_. 1676

George Fox.

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